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Completed April 1st, 2018
Flat Roof Solutions (Bifacial)
Tilt angle
Quebec, QC, Canada
SunRail Bifacial
Project size
690kW AC
Opsun partnered with Simons, a premium fashion retailer based in Québec, Canada, to imagine, design and engineer the largest bifacial system in Eastern Canada. A 700 kW bifacial flat commercial rooftop and a 360 kW bifacial carport system allow the Simons store to reach the prestigious class of "Net-Zero" buildings (where all energy consumed on site is produced on site annually). In order to achieve that goal, Opsun's engineers collaborated closely with architects (Lemay Michaud Architecture) and WSP to coordinate all aspect of this ambitious Net-Zero project.
The project incorporates nearly 700 kW of glass-glass bifacial panels at 30 degrees on the rooftop, generating a 24% bifacial gain (real results vs simulations with comparable monofacial panels).
Fully anchored system using an OMG Powergrip anchor system that is embedded into the built-up roof. Inverters were built directly on the rack to match the strictest electrical standards and to reduce cabling costs.
Winter performances are improved by the high tilt angle, the elevation at the front of 18", and, most importantly, the bifacial PV panels that receive light from the unobstructed backside and melts snow from the frontside naturally.